days the iconic image of the spitfire is known and loved
universally and sometimes, in some quarters, this
famous aeroplane seems to overshadow the great men and women who
built, maintained, armed, and flew it.
following article about 92 Sqn was written by Len Stillwell. In
many ways Len's wartime exploits were, although of course
unique, relatively unremarkable; he went through the same
training as thousands of other servicemen and though he went on
to fly the legendary spitfire Len, like many other pilots, did
not shoot down any of the enemy's aircraft. He was, however,
wounded in action flying his spitfire over Italy towards the end
of the war and these wounds caused him constant pain right up
until his death in December 2008. What is astonishing is that this did
not prevent Len from being one of the most active and
enthusiastic members of the Spitfire Society, often getting up
in the dead of night to prepare himself and his wife Dorothy to
travel up from Teddington to our air shows in order to spend the
day helping raise funds or doing vital committee work. As well
as this Len also spent the last twenty years or so of his life
caring, with no outside help, for Dot, all the while suffering
from wounds received decades previously whilst fighting for his
country and for the freedom we enjoy today.
These are
just a few examples of the many ways in which this kind,
dedicated, generous man was remarkable and serves to remind me
that every man or woman who climbed into the cockpit of a
spitfire or indeed any other wartime aircraft with the common
aim of overcoming the global threat of fascist tyranny was a
P.W. Jan
92 Squadron Royal Flying Corps was formed in
September 1917 at London Colney as a Scout (Fighter) Squadron.
It moved to France in July 1918 where it operated on the Western
Front equipped, in turn, with the Spad S7, the Sopwith Pup and
the SE5A, the Spitfire of the First World War. 92 Squadron Royal
Air Force was disbanded in August 1919.
The Squadron was re-formed in October 1939 at
Tangmere as a Night Fighter Squadron flying Blenheim IFs and
bearing the code 'GR'. The Squadron Badge embodies a hooded
cobra entwining a sprig of maple leaves - it is said that the
first Commanding Officer was a Canadian - and its later motto "Aut
Pugna Ant Morere" translates as "Either Fight or Die". In 1940,
the Squadron was adopted by the East India Fund and thereafter
included that name in its Title, and it appears probable that
the cobra was added to the badge at that juncture.
In those early days of the War the Squadron was
engaged in day and night training on Blenheims, first at
Tangmere then Croydon and Gatwick from which, on 2nd March 1940,
it was re-equipped with Spitfire MkIs and continued training at
Gatwick & Croydon. The Squadron code was still 'GR' at that
stage but was changed to 'QJ' because, so the story goes, the
Air Ministry thought that the Germans might otherwise believe
that 92 was a Royal Squadron (George Rex) and pay its aircraft
special attention! (The new code was shared with both 613 (City
of Manchester) and 616 (South Yorkshire) until the latter
changed in July 1941).
In terms of active service, Flt Lt Stanford Tuck
was posted to 92 as a Flight Commander in May 1940, at which
stage the Squadron was moved to Northolt and declared
operational. It registered the first of its many successes when,
operating from Hornchurch and flying patrols over France, its
aircraft ran into six Me109s all of which were shot down
Later the same day forty Me110s were engaged and seventeen
destroyed, although their CO Sqn Ldr Bushell was shot down and
taken prisoner. He was later shot by the Gestapo for taking part
in the mass escape from Stalag Luft III in 1944 (the film "The
Great Escape" immortalised these events). Seven more enemy
aircraft were destroyed the following day, after which the
Squadron was rested at Duxford, but was operating again in June
1940 shooting down four fighters and four bombers, this time
from an airfield in Norfolk. Flt Lt Stanford Tuck was awarded
the DFC whilst at Duxford.
Posted to 10 Group, 92 moved to Pembrey in South
Wales, patrolling that part of Wales and the Bristol Channel by
both day and night, destroying several enemy bombers, following
which it returned on 8th September to 11 Group at Biggin Hill with
Sqn Ldr Maclaclan assuming command with Flt Lts Brian Kingcombe
& Stanford Tuck DFC as his Flight Commanders. Continuing its
successful campaign, seventeen enemy aircraft were destroyed on
27th September and, during October, Stanford Tuck was promoted to Sqd Ldr and awarded a Bar to his DFC. He was given command of
257 Squadron with Sqd Ldr Johnny Kent DFC, AFC taking over at
92. Flt Lt Kingcombe was awarded the DFC. On 15 November Sgt
Don Kingsby shot down four Me 109s, a record tally for any pilot
in one day and, by the end of 1941 as a Flt Sgt, had shot down
eighteen aircraft, the only NCO pilot to have been awarded the
DFM and two Bars and at that time the top scoring NCO pilot in
Fighter Command (He finished the war a Wing Commander).
By the end of 1940, 92 Squadron's tally was 130
enemy aircraft destroyed, 60 probably destroyed and 70 damaged
The Squadron was stood down at the end of 1941 in
preparation for overseas service and re-assembled at Heliopolis
in April 1942, returning to operations in the Western desert in
June flying Hurricanes. The shooting down of three Ju87s and an
Me109 brought the Squadron's total of destroyed aircraft to
200, their achievements whilst flying Hurricanes earning the
congratulations of the AOC Western Desert, AVM Coningham on 1st
August 1942 and the immediate allocation of Spitfires.
On 5th August the Squadron joined 244 Wing and was
fully operational on Spitfire MkVcs. These events coincided with
the creation of the Desert Air Force (DAF), which was to support
the Eighth Army throughout the North African and Italian
Campaigns (in fact, DAF was to retain its title and formation
until June 1946 when it was disbanded in Northern Italy)
During August and September the Squadron engaged
and destroyed several Me109s and Macchi C202s and, on 17th
August, Sqn Ldr Wedgwood, the Commanding Officer who had
brought the Squadron out from the UK and who had shot down nine
aircraft, was awarded the DFC, the first award to the Squadron
since leaving the UK. Four days later a force of some 40+ Me109s, attacking our forward troops, were driven off by aircraft
of 92 Squadron which then made strafing attacks on enemy
advanced Landing Grounds - the complements returned.
The Battle of El Alamein started on October 23rd.
1942. By November 2nd the Eighth Army started its advance
westwards. The Squadron flew patrols throughout the battle and
shot down nine enemy aircraft. By November 4th, the enemy was in
full retreat and 92 Sqn followed our troops closely,
leapfrogging from one Landing Ground to another, crossing the
Egypt/Libya border on November 13th.
F/O Neville Duke DFC, an ex-Member of 92 Squadron
in the UK, rejoined the Squadron on November 18th and Sqn Ldr
Wedgwood DFC, who had led the Squadron since it arrived in the
Middle East was posted back to the UK. In all he had destroyed
thirteen enemy aircraft but did not arrive home for he was
killed when the Halifax aircraft he was in crashed on landing in
Sqn Ldr Morgan assumed command of the Squadron
and, by Christmas and the New Year 1942/43, our forces were
still advancing. In early 1943 the enemy made a stand and large
numbers of Me109s were encountered Fighter/bombers attacked
our Landing Grounds and two Me109s were destroyed After these
initial attacks, patrolling aircraft managed to intercept the Messerschmitts and Macchi 202s before they reached their
targets, with 92 Sqn shooting down an Me109 and three Macchi
202s, in the days that followed F/O Neville Duke DFC destroyed
another two Macchi 202s.
On January 14th, 1943 the Eighth Army launched an
all-out attack on the defenders of Tripoli and, on January 21st the Squadron destroyed three Ju87s. Tripoli fell to our
forces on January 24th and 92 Sqn moved there on February 7th.
A week later, Flt Lt Neville Duke DFC and the late Sqn Ldr
Wedgewood DFC were awarded Bars to their DFCs; Sqn Ldr Morgan
also received the DFC and Bar.
The enemy stood and counter-attacked during the
early days of March 1943. There was heavy air activity and Flt
Lt Duke DFC and Bar shot down five enemy aircraft in the first
four days. At this junction 92 Squadron's total score reached
254˝ aircraft destroyed, 101 probables and 134 damaged (half
an aircraft was claimed by and awarded to another Squadron). On
March 10th, the Squadron received the first four Spitfire MkIXs
and on March 27th, Flt Lt Duke was awarded the DSO; his total
score then was 19 destroyed, 4 probables and 3 damaged.
As the North African campaign was drawing to a
close with the Eighth Army encircling Tunis, the tasks of
Fighter Squadrons changed and 92 Sqn was employed escorting
Kittyhawks and Hurricane tank-busters which were attacking enemy
troop dispositions, tanks and vehicles. On April 6th three of 92
Sqn's new MkIXs attacked 18 Savoia-Marchetti SM82s,
destroying 5 of them. On April 18th, the Squadron flew top-cover
to four Squadrons of Kittyhawks who intercepted a large number
of enemy transport aircraft flying low over the sea. Whilst 92
Sqn kept the fighter escort at bay the Kittyhawk Squadrons shot
down over seventy Ju52s. Five more aircraft were destroyed by 92 Sqn on April 20th with the result that, since arriving in the
Middle East and by the end of the victorious North African
campaign, the Squadron had destroyed 78 aircraft, with 21
probables and 57 damaged.
After a period of rest in North Africa and with
Sqn Ldr Humphreys at the helm, 92 Sqn flew to Malta on June
14th 1943. Operating from Luqa, the Squadron carried out sweeps
over Sicily in preparation for the invasion which started on
July 10th. 92 Sqn was the first to patrol over our invasion
forces and five Ju88s were destroyed during these operations.
Whilst operating from landing grounds in Sicily, the Squadron
was re-equipped with MkVIII Spitfires, basically the same
aircraft but with a longer range than the MkIX and with a
retractable tail wheel. New arrivals were Flt Lt Hards DFC, DFM
who took over A Flight and Flt Lt Nicholls DFC who became B
Flight Commander.
The invasion of Italy from Sicily began on 3rd
September 1943. 92 Sqn covered the landing of our troops and
successfully forced attacking Fw190 fighter-bombers to jettison
their bombs. Italy surrendered to the Allies on September 8th
The 8th Army advanced slowly up the Adriatic
coast and Squadron patrols over Ban and Foggia met no
resistance. By October 1943, on its 4th anniversary, the
Squadron celebrated by shooting down a Dornier Do17. Sqn Ldr
Mackie DFC and Bar took over command from Sqn Ldr Humphrys but
there was a lack of enemy air activity during the 8th Army's
battles of the Trigno and Sangro rivers which 92 Sqn covered.
During November and December 1943, eleven enemy aircraft were
destroyed without loss, Sqn Ldr Mackie DFC and Bar downing two
and Lt Sachs (SAAF) destroying three. This brought the total of
aircraft destroyed to 101 since leaving England and its overall
total to 294˝ confirmed. An Me410 and Me109 were shot down
as a closing gesture to 1943.
On January 17th 1944 the Squadron was switched to
the western side of the country and, from a landing ground near
Naples, covered the Anzio landings. Two enemy aircraft were
destroyed over the bridgehead, one by Sqn Ldr Mackie and one by
F/O Henderson and, on 6th February while patrolling Anzio, five
of the Squadron's aircraft ran into twenty Fw190s and six Me109s. Flt Lt Edwards DFC, DFM, the new Flight Commander of A
Flight, shot down an Fw190 and Lt Gasson an Me109 bringing the
Squadron's total to 300 aircraft destroyed. Sqn Ldr Cox DFC
assumed command of 92 Squadron at this time.
Routine patrols over the Anzio bridgehead kept
the Squadron busy until April when 244 Wing moved in preparation
for the assaults on the Gustav and Hitler Lines. On April 23rd
twelve 92 Sqn Spitfires met twelve Fw190s with three Me109s
as top cover and Capt Gasson, Flt Lt Garner and F/O Montgomerie
destroyed one each. On May 13th twenty two Fw190s were
intercepted and, again, three enemy aircraft were destroyed. By
these victories 92 Sqn had the honour of destroying the 400th
enemy aircraft for 244 Wing. Another Me109 was destroyed two
days later.
Capt Gasson was now the Flight Commander of B
Flight and, in one of his most spectacular engagements, took on
sixteen Fw190s which were attacking a number of Bostons. He
managed to damage three and pursued another down to the deck
which was running for its base. Crossing the enemy airfield
still in pursuit, Gasson passed underneath another Fw190 in the
process of landing, which promptly spun in. Capt Gasson managed
to damage his original quarry before breaking off the engagement
and returning to base.
By July 1944 the Luftwaffe in Italy was
practically a spent force and its demise released the Fighter
Wings of the Desert Air Force from their traditional air combat
roles and presented them with the task of supporting the Army in
what was known as "Close Support" - either bombing or 'strafing'
targets, mostly selected by the Army. The only enemy aircraft
encountered were those on reconnaissance patrols over the north
western coastal areas where Allied preparations for the invasion
of Southern France were underway. In all, 92 Squadron encountered
four of these aircraft and all were shot down. One, an Me 410, in
The invasion of Southern France was achieved by
the Army with no opposition from the German Air Force. Later the
attack on the Gothic Line by the 8th Army was supported by
fighter / bombers of 92 Squadron and a high standard of bombing
was achieved. Major Venmer (SAAF) assumed command of 92 Sqn in
September 1944.
The details of the individual targets destroyed
in dive-bombing attacks are too numerous to list but every
conceivable type of target was attacked in the final drive to
beat a German Army with its back to the wall. The Allied Plan
was to contain the German forces south of the river Po and, to
that effect, all the bridges, barges and pontoons on the river
were continuously attacked to deny the enemy any means or routes
of escape.
October 1944 was a quiet month with bad weather
setting in and very little flying possible. On the one or two
days when the weather was clear enough for flying, direct hits
were scored on enemy gun emplacements and 105mm and 210mm guns
were destroyed. A strongly-fortified building was also attacked
and five direct hits were recorded. During October Major
‘Johnny’ Gasson DFC, who had left the Squadron in June 1944,
returned as its new Commanding Officer. The Squadron continued
to attack enemy targets throughout October and November - enemy
strongpoints, troop concentrations, gun positions and
enemy-occupied buildings.
In December the Squadron received four telegrams
of congratulations from Army Commands for the very effective
support given by 92 Squadron. Attacks by the Squadron had been
pressed home accurately no matter how intense the defensive
fire. Attacks on enemy defensive positions only 300 yards ahead
of our forward troops were so successful that when the Canadian
troops went forward they found over thirty dead and took seventy
prisoners for the loss of only two men. The day after this the
Squadron destroyed two Tiger tanks. Group Captain Dundas, CO of
244 Wing added his congratulations to the Squadron on behalf of
the other Squadrons in the Wing.
On Boxing Day 1944 92 Sqn attacked troops dug in
along the banks of the Senio River and later destroyed another
Tiger tank. The defence of the Senio River was the last properly
organised stand made by the enemy in Italy. An observation post
in a church tower was demolished by the Squadron, scoring four
direct hits and two near misses. By this stage 92 Squadron was
acknowledged as being the foremost fighting Unit of 244 Wing and
of Desert Air Force.
The situation on the ground was static for the
first few weeks of 1945, 92 Squadron spending its time seeking
out and attacking targets of opportunity - locomotives, rolling
stock, road transport and any troop movements or concentrations.
As the 8th Army moved up again for what was hoped
would be the final push, enemy resistance stiffened and 92
Squadron along with all the other Squadrons was constantly in
action, attacking new defensive positions, fighting vehicles and
any buildings housing troops, stores or equipment.
In February 1945 Major 'Johnny' Gasson DFC was
awarded the DSO, a richly deserved decoration for his
outstanding leadership in taking 92 Squadron to its preeminent
The final assaults by the 8th Army across Lake
Commachio and northwards, with the continuous support of Desert
Air Force right up to the river Po itself wore down the German
forces which suffered very heavy casualties. On 8th May 1945 the
German forces surrendered and the European War was over.
The final score of enemy aircraft for 92 Squadron
at the end of the war was 317˝ destroyed, 107 probables and
184 damaged. The squadron dropped 546 tons of bombs, destroyed
numerous buildings and motor transports; 45 heavy guns destroyed
with 91 damaged; 6 locomotives destroyed with 11 damaged; 9
barges destroyed with 11 damaged; 4 tanks destroyed including 3
Tiger tanks.
The historic account of a Fighter Squadron's
exploits especially during wartime inevitably revolves around
the achievements of its pilots, but credit must also go in large
measure to the Squadron's Ground Staff - those who service and
maintain the aircraft and equipment in all weathers and
conditions. Praise must also go to the non-flying Officers, NCOs
and all the other Ranks who provided the many essential support
services. History mostly remembers only victories and successes,
the living triumphant, going on to fight another day. The
majority involved in the Squadron's duties probably contributed
nothing memorable, but all played a part in the great
achievements of 92 Squadron. Those who were killed, injured or
taken prisoner occupy a respected position.
With the war over, 244 Wing took up occupational
duties in Northern Italy and DAF was disbanded on 30th June
1946. In that September 92 Squadron moved up to Austria as part
of the forces ranged against Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia who was
threatening to invade disputed Italian territory but, with the
withdrawal of that threat, the Squadron was disbanded in Austria
on 31st December 1946. 244 Wing was disbanded on 27th January
1947. 92 Squadron was the last Squadron in Europe to give up its
MkVIII Spitfires.
92 Squadron re-formed at Acklington,
Northumberland on 31st January 1947 and became part of the
Fighter Defence of the United Kingdom, flying Meteor F3s, F4s &
F8s. It converted to Sabre F4s in 1954 and to Hunter F4s & F6s in
1956. The Squadron served as the official RAF Aerobatics team -
the "Blue Diamonds" in 1961/62 flying Hunter F6s and were the
first acrobatic team to loop 16 aircraft in close diamond
In 1965 the Squadron moved to Germany as part of
the 2nd Tactical Air Force (TAF) flying Lightning F2 & F2As and,
in 1977, converted to Phantom FGR2s. Returning to the UK, 92
Squadron became a Reserve Squadron flying Hawks out of Chivenor
in a Tactical Reconnaissance role and was disbanded again on
1st October 1994. I cannot believe that it will not rise again!

You can read about Len's time in 92 Squadron
Len Stillwell
Previous Spitfire Society interviews can be found in the
Archives section: