Peter Wesson
As well as performing other duties for the
Society, Peter was our Regional Artist. He was well known for his
black and white illustrations of Spitfires and many of these are
available for purchase from us directly or from the Spitfire Society
stand at air shows.
Below are a few examples from his portfolio.
These are available in A4 format and are unframed - many have
original signatures. Prices start at a few Pounds and offer the
aviation enthusiast an affordable alternative to the expensive
aviation art prints.

Signed by Bert Harman 33 Sqdn

Signed by Len Stillwell 92 Sqdn

Signed by Ian Blair 501 & 602 Sqdns

Signed by Ron Gould 322 Sqdn

All pictures © Peter Wesson 2010
Click below for Steve Beale's
signed photos